In-Depth Expertise In Today’s Most Demanding Fields

Tamarama Services is proud of its long list of satisfied clientele. We have worked really hard to achieve good results for our clients and many have replied in kind with encouraging remarks and genuine praise. Take a look at what some of our clients are saying.

Content Marketing Strategy

It's much more than creating, distributing and sharing content in order to engage audiences, generate leads, improve branding. It needs a strategic approach and that's what a content marketing strategy is all about.

Advanced Technology

Enable strong marketing tech foundations. Marketing and sales technology solutions—the foundations for advanced marketing campaigns.

Market Research

Successful businesses have extensive knowledge of their customers and their competitors. We are experts at gathering information which will make you more aware of your client needs.

Customer Service

The communication channel your team uses to respond to customer needs plays a major role in their ability to resolve problems. Some customer needs are time-sensitive and require immediate interaction via phone or chat. Others are less critical and can be resolved at a more casual pace. Let's break down the types of customer service we offer at Tamarama Services.


Email is one of the most fundamental forms of customer service. It allows customers to fully describe their problems and automatically records the conversation into a resourceful thread.


When customers have problems that need to be answered immediately, phones are the best medium to use. Phones connect customers directly to reps and create a human interaction between the customer and the business.


Chat is one of the most flexible customer service channels. It can solve a high volume of simple problems. The main benefit of chat its versatility as well as the improvement in efficiency it provides to customer service reps.